Gracious greeting to all! Yes dear readers, I've returned! Where have I been?? Well sometimes I wonder! I do know however, that I'm currently on a weeks vacation and regretfully, it's all coming much too quickly to a close. If there was anytime to write a very long overdue post here.........well now is as good as any! To this day I marvel at Peter Lappin and how he use to consistently post at his blog 'Male pattern boldness' on a daily basis. I mean, you really gotta love blogging to have done that for several years! I consider myself lucky if I could get up the gumption to post every nine months! LOL!! Yes, Test if you're out there, I know you have all of the evidence against me........but remember there always a chance for reform!!! Well, now that I'm back, I wanted to discuss the second greatest love in my life (of course Halston being number one) and that is my love of vintage Singer sewing mach...